Monday, December 8, 2014

Merry Christmas to you.

Hi Everyone

So I have this will be my last blog post for the year.Not writing as much as I am really not getting out of it what I thought I will be thinking about continuing it in new year.

I really am not sure what to write so it could've a bit of everything, I have quite a bit in my mind at the moment and I am hoping writing this will calm me down a bit.

Is it just me or has people lost the art of writing Christmas cards, my mother always wrote heaps of cards always seemed so many to me as a child......and I think this is where I get this from.

I love receiving anything in the mail that is not bills and I personally will encourage my children to do does not take that long to sit down and write (dear,merry Christmas and your name in a card) why are we receiving none or very little in the post.......Am I weird or do I need to move with the times.

Another thing that is on my mind is how busy we all get over this month before Christmas I know I have something on everyday this week and it is really stressing me out a year I think I may make Christmas smaller and not as busy.....or maybe I need to say NO more often. I am not on to organise my children to have something on every weekend they deserve some downtime and I have tried to do this during this Christmas season but it seem to have not worked. NOTE to self try harder.

This year for Christmas Day it will just be our little family, all the grandparents seem to be busy or are not even in the state, which is ok but we will have heaps of food left over so must remember not to buy too much food. Kids feel a little disappointed but they will be fine when they open presents on Christmas morning.

Today I am feeling disappointed that I had to pay a sum of money (weeks out from Christmas) that will not be used until February 2015. I understand a holding fee but not a full amount particularly when they will be getting interest from that money.

Well rant over.

Hope everyone has a great Christmas and New Year.    

Elita xx

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